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Open Garden Wifi Tether Windows 7

카테고리 없음

by vimopoka1972 2020. 2. 26. 11:23


Windows 7 Wifi

Sorry was a bit confused, you were asking an Android question on a Microsoft Forum.On android, you are trying to perform a 'Tether'. Depending on your carrier, that may require them to add a feature to your account for it to work. There are several apps out there you can use to root your phone to install apps that will attempt to fakeout the carrier. Here is a piece of security advice ' Never Root your Phone', it will cause issues and make you more vulnerable to exploitation later.So back to tethering, I am assuming you dont want to pay for an app so a quick search of the Amazon app store shows a few promissing ones:There are also two tutorials you should review:Hope this gets you going in the right direction,Ken FKen F.